Multiple mechanism of action – Experimental and clinical trials show that molecular hydrogen has anti-inflammatory and cytoprotective effects on muscle, cartilage and bone cells. It is possible that hydrogen also acts as a signal regulator of protein expression.

High bioavailability – The small size of the molecules and the transport by simple diffusion allow molecular hydrogen to easily and quickly reach tissue poor in circulation (e.g., cartilage tissue) without the typical limitations of other therapeutic agents.

No significant side effects – Clinical trials indicate a high safety of all therapeutic forms of hydrogen for human use. Except isolated cases of mild gastrointestinal problems (e.g., mild diarrhea), no toxic effects of hydrogen in the administration of megadoses are known at the present.

Wide range of therapeutic forms – In acute and chronic pathological conditions of the locomotor system, molecular hydrogen can be administered by inhalation of gas, through oral forms (e.g., tablets, solutions) and topical application (e.g., baths, packagings).

Possibility of co-application – Molecular hydrogen is very unlikely to interact with other drugs, which is why can be taken simultaneously with other therapeutic agents without limiting their effect. An adjuvant action with traditional therapy is possible.